
Bug Guts Be Gone

Bug Guts Be Gone

June 18, 2020

It’s summer, well almost, in a couple of more days it will be official! With summer ridding the bug guts on the windshield are sure to be there. I remember on a ride over the Million Dollar Highway hitting some short of moth, they left silver-dollar-sized florescent yellow splats on my windshield. Another time, in Georgia, alongside a river, my windshield turned a solid black.

Anyhow, let's talk about cleaning your windshield. If you want to be able to see through your windshield never ever use the window cleaner tool at the gas station. Those tools store every grain of sand they ever tried to wash off prior, thus scratching the crap out of your plastic windshield. I have tried several products, and all seemed to do a pretty good job always using a microfiber cloth so it won’t scratch your windshield.

Walmart's Microfiber Towels

I have two conditions for the products I selected to use. First, no ammonia. Ammonia turns your windshield an ugly yellow color. Second, the cost of the product must be cheap, and easy to find.

Walmart's Lemon Furniture Polish

Walmart's Glass Cleaner

These are my choices. Lemon furniture polish, you can find the no-name kind at the dollar-type stores or Lemon Pledge for a name brand. Just make sure it has lemon in it and it will work great. It leaves a clear film which helps in future cleanings. The one I use the most is Walmart’s Glass Cleaner. I use this all over the bike and in my opinion, it does a great job.

Now, go ride and get some bug guts on your windshield.

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